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Unlock Code Not Working? - Printable Version

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Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 18-07-2007


Okay well today I tried to delete flight sim 2004 off the computer together with FS Passengers and guess what despite deleting the
database folder etc on re loading flight sim again and fs passengers the whole lot was still on there my old aircraft and my old company
from fs passengers!!!! I am half laughing and half threatening to throw the whole computer out the window at least it would be deleted!!!

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Grant Saxby - 18-07-2007

At last can't believe it!!! Its working!!! Haven't got a clue how its working but it's working!!!!

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - DBE - 18-07-2007

Quote:Grant Saxby wrote:
At last can't believe it!!! Its working!!! Haven't got a clue how its working but it's working!!!!

Glad we could help!


Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - phughe03 - 25-07-2007

Im having the same issue. Running Vista and FSPassengers. If you could please tell me houw you got it to work I would really appreciate


Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Sakakawea - 25-07-2007

AAAAAAAAnd here again:



Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - phughe03 - 25-07-2007

Guess what mate............that thread does not fix the problem. The reason there is 3 threads about this is because its pi$%^ing more than 1 person
off. If you know how to fix the problem then please step in.

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Jambone - 25-07-2007

And you know whats pi$%^ing ME off, lazy people like you who leave it to others to fix! Google it, :faq: it, and read the bloody forum or get the hell outta our hair! Wall

Post Edited ( 07-25-07 14:36 )

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Sakakawea - 25-07-2007

Quote:phughe03 wrote:
Guess what mate............that thread does not fix the problem. The reason there is 3 threads about this is because its pi$%^ing more than 1 person
off. If you know how to fix the problem then please step in.

And those more than 1 pissed off persons cannot use one and the same thread? Wall

flooding makes helping people sick of the topic, so nobody wants to answer anymore -.-

Re: Unlock Code Not Working? - Dutch64 - 25-07-2007

Getting also a bit tired of many threads about the same problem which has been discussed before. Read the FAQ, search the forum or describe EXACTLY
what you've done so far if the problem still exists.

Thread closed