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[outdated] Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [outdated] Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers (/showthread.php?tid=5930)

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Re: Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - sgtdirtybum - 03-02-2006

lol SAVAS........ I think that with this group...... that search would produce too many threads for me to try and research ALL of those who
enact their
gentlemenly scholarliness --- is this a word? lol.... thanks again though --- to everyone!!! Beer

Re: Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - DBE - 04-02-2006

The FSPassengers scholars are simply the best! Wink

Re: Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - sgtdirtybum - 06-02-2006

Savas and all those who helped......

just thought I'd finish the thread to let you all know that by configuring the A/C config files with the right weights.... I am now able to carry a
more realistic amount of fuel and passengers....... big thanks

Re: Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - SaVas - 06-02-2006

Glad to hear it!

There are several aircraft I have had to do this with myself

Re: Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - JanniCash - 09-11-2007

Quote:SaVas wrote:
From Airliners.net:


Operating empty with RB-211s 64,590kg (142,400lb),
with PW-2043s 64,460kg (142,110lb),
max takeoff 122,470kg (270,000lb).


Pretty much the same numbers (probably just rounding errors), but also some other interesting side information like required runway length and the like.

And yes, like every commercial jet available, you can't just "stuff" it like a Thanksgiving Turkey and expect it to fly.


Re: Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - poden - 09-11-2007

We need an "undead thread" resurrection contest!


Re: Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - DBE - 10-11-2007

You've just been added to my Code Black Zero Bad Boy list, Poden!

Say your sorry and don't collect $200 when you pass Go.. Wink

Re: Will not allow to fully fuel and carry All Passengers - JanniCash - 10-11-2007

Apologies accepted.
