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For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Printable Version

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Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SWAFO - 19-08-2005

FSP is not only a great program, however as SaVas mentioned it has industry leading customer support. If you look at most payware
flight simulator products, the support is much less than average. For example, I won't even deal with Lago anymore due to their shabby
customer service. It's not that I don't like their products, I would probably purchase them if they served the customer better. FSP has that
rare quality, and as such I feel it will keep many loyal customers.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - djdavies - 19-08-2005

As an avid "crack finder" I too was so impressed with the program and the "personal" connection I developed with Dan through this forum.


Proud Purchaser-FSP

Now, lets talk about some of the crap that is out there that...........

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - jboweruk - 19-08-2005

A lot of payware devs could learn from Dan. His support (especially considering he's a one man outfit) is exemplary.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - rfbarber - 19-08-2005

Those who would steal this, or any other program, will remain unmoved by this thread, I am afraid. So really, this is not for them. It is for
those of us who have benefitted from this thread, by having some of the jaundice removed from our vision. It is always good to be
reminded that our true simming community eschews the qualities so prevalent in almost everything we see, that being the "Me First"
attitude, win at any cost, screw your competitors, etc. We flight simmers, as a rule, aspire to a higher set of standards, and it is far too
easy to permit those who have no such aspirations to pull the rest of us down with them, to one degree or another.

We stand together in the environment we have created, with mutual support, respect, and a willingness to exchange ideas for the
betterment of each other and the hobby. Those who would seek the "freebie" have no place here, and will ultimately reap the rewards of
their endeavors. They deserve only our pity, for being the empty shells that they are, devoid of humantiy, and filled only with self-
absorbtion, greed and avarice. A thief is a thief, regardless of venue or plunder. And what it takes to make one a thief is something that
has no place in our simming community.

So, to all of you hackers, crackers and code sniffers, bugger off!


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Cookie - 19-08-2005

I have a few payware for FS9 including FSP. Because I don't have a Credit Card or ever will. So, I'm limited to buy stuff from SimMarket with
my PayPal. Only if more developers can use this as an other payment option. Now I'm a proud Lifetime member of FSGenesis! Smile

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - ILikePlanes - 20-08-2005

i didn't know you could get a "cracked" version. if i did know how to get one i wouldn't anyway. i havent purchased fsp yet but i will

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SWAFO - 20-08-2005

Oh yeah, there's cracks out there for everything. Note that there's some cracks floating around that will do bad things to your system if you
use them (not just for FSP, but for lots of other programs too). That's why, it's best not to use them... you're risking your whole PC!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Jetsgo - 21-08-2005

Also note that (I'm not sure if this is the case with Dan and FsP) downloading, buying, uploading , advertizing or selling pirated
films, software, hardware, downloads and others is 100% illigal and you can be prosicuted for this. Most software and
downloads that have the potential to be pirated have programs only avalable to the true owner of the software that can check to see if the
same crack/code/registration number has been used more then once. It's a fact that, depeneding on where you live, you can be charged
up to 5000,00$, or X15 the actual price of the software.

" You wouldn't steal a car. You wouldn't steal a purse. You wouldn't steal from a cash register. But when you sit down to your stollen
satalite signal - when you watch your pirated movies - when you play your pirated games, you are stealing. Stealing is Stealing"

- A message from the government of Ontairo

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Passenger57 - 23-08-2005

Hi all,

I fully agree with You folks, it is worth it and NO I did not try the eval version first before buying. Just read the forums, looked at some screenies
and thought "Yep".

I also bought this via simmarket, and I am not at all ashamed for that since - no pun intended - there are quite some small outfits around where I'm
not sure one should trust them (cash without return). Simmarket is a quick-responding shop collecting a wide bandwidth of addons, they act
responsibly, and thank You Dan for giving us this option, too.

I'm afraid to say that the hardcore cracked-stuff people won't care at all about these statements, in fact, regarding some high-priced so-called
"quality" add-ons released in the last years with desastrous after-effects (performance, customer support, bugs...) Though it might get me flamed, I
cannot even really blame them from my whole heart since MOST addons wont come with a demo/eval version, and more than a few used paying customers as
alpha- or beta-testers. Buy or dont. Eat or die. Pay and get angry. Sorry, not with me anymore. Only when they have such a recommendation (wide-spread
reviews, forums etc.) that cannot be faked easily, I might consider otherwise, like I did here. This time, I was lucky.

No, I do NOT agree with using cracked stuff for so-called "evaluation", though I understand it a bit, flightsimming is getting more and more expensive
and 30 bucks spent on crap are just 30 bucks lost. Though I can and will not agree, as long as satisfied users afterwards BUY that original, I can and
will not blame them either. Does not really apply here, I know, since an eval is available.

But I still regret buying FSE from LAGO (which was the last straw), still to-date not really delivering what was announced since my object exchange
does not work and Lago's support is simply nonexistent. May someone up there smite them! Or release some poo from altitude directly on their heads.
Most objects I use nowadays come via Avsim, ready-to-import, and thanks to all You out there not giving up and uploading Your stuff to free sites. If
I had "tried" a cracked version I would never have bought it since it is simply NOT delivering (what I paid for).

I also am no hardcore "as-real-as-it gets"-person; I like simming to relax or to entertain me. Or spend some time with nice thoughts and memories on
bygone vacations while flying "back there". So, no FMCs for me, FSNAV is all I need. I work with computers for a living, and thank You, nope, I wont
spent time with lengthy input on a VIRTUAL computer and working checklists in my free time. So, buying the PMDG737's or similar - though admitted
really high quality - is just wasted money to me.

Dan, thanks for FSPax, it delivers the right balance of "reality" vs. "fun". I wish more addon developers would give us the options You did: A
non-crippled evaluation version, different ways of purchase, and support/feedback in Your (friendly) forum. Oh, thanks to Your moderators as well.

A happy customer
Torsten aka Passenger57

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - webdancer - 23-08-2005

Just to add my two cents worth . . . working a forty hour work week adds up to 2080 hours a year. So if Dan put in over 3000 hours in a year to build
FsP, he worked considerable overtime to bring us this beautiful and long needed add-on for Flight Sim.

Lets all take time once again to say thanks to Dan.

Thank You Dan for all your time and hard work.


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SWAFO - 23-08-2005

Dan knows that everyone has a lot of respect and admiration for the amount of work/time he put into the program! If you look at some of
his past projects (namely with the Orbiter program), you'll see his clear devotion (all of his Orbiter works are completely free, yet VERY

From my point of view, Dan's already got the best customer service in the flight sim business (thanks to yours truly *me* of course! jk).
He takes a sincere interest in each and every customer, and makes sure they walk away satisfied. He's truly a great person all around!
Why would you want to steal from such a nice/caring individual?

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Jetsgo - 24-08-2005

Dan told me that he developed a medical condition during the process of creating FsP. Anyone willing to put up with that doesn't
deserve to have their work pyrated.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SWAFO - 24-08-2005

That shouldn't matter. Work shouldn't be pirated in the first place! Regardless of the conditions!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Jetsgo - 24-08-2005

I thought someone would say that. I ment that to, it's just I was talking about Dan particularly.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - jboweruk - 25-08-2005

RSI by any chance? That amount of coding I wouldn't be surprised. That and/or severe headaches from staring at that screen. Dan you
need to take some time out buddy, and look after your health.