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Basic Help - Printable Version

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Re: Basic Help - Iberiaorbit - 17-08-2005

In the first place I am pretty relaxed.
In the second place as far as manners the proffesional is the one should give up and not the customer.
In thirt place I just asked where in the world is Dan cause he didn't replay my private messages and e-mails sent the last 48 hours.
Also I didn't do it as complaining, more like in a friendly way. A pitty you misundertood me. And since you start the complain I already
apologize for being impatient, and you missed it and suddenly start that entry totally out of toppic. And last but not least I am looking for
support not for a speech from someone want to impres Dan for being able to be left in charge. If my impatience bothers you then ignore
me but please dont give me that speech. I am trying to install this script for one month.
As far as my own behave I am sorry for lossing my temper so quickly.

Re: Basic Help - SWAFO - 17-08-2005

As pegase mentioned, wrong move! Remember, it's a privilege to post on this forum. That privilege can be easily revoked. You
mentioned that if your impatience bothers me, I should ignore you. Unfortunately, as a moderator of this forum I can't ignore people, and
your actions potentially threaten the nice atmosphere this forum creates. I nicely asked you to relax, and you respond telling me to shut
up. You don't need to be so immature, I see myself as a fair moderator, and I'm not picking on you. Simply responding to your message
like I do most messages.

I'm giving you a warning, and I'm closing your thread. I don't want this to turn into a back and forth argument between you and me, not
only because you can't win (lol), but because I want this forum to remain peaceful, and free from this type of bickering. As I mentioned,
you've been warned. Try to keep your other posts calm, collective, and most of all RELAX! You'll live longer (at least on this forum)!