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FS9 Crash's - Printable Version

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Re: FS9 Crash's - Marty - 19-07-2005

Hi Michael,

What version of ATI drivers have you installed? Did you delete all traces of your previous drivers using Driver Cleaner 3, including what is left
behind in the Windows registry?

Have you installed the ATI Control panel and if so what are your 3D graphics settings?

There may be some conflict with the graphic card settings and your hardware settings in Flightsim and FSP is the straw that breaks the camels back, so
to speak.


Re: FS9 Crash's - pagir - 19-07-2005

Did you update the edit voicepack recently???

Some crashes are related with it. See this thread:

(404: The post of this link doesn't existe anymore)

Those are the dates of the last Edit Voicepack Update from:


EditVoicepackUpdate2005-07-12_163509.EvpUpd 1872 kb 2005-07-12 16:35:09 6 days
EditVoicepackUpdate2005-07-05_181611.EvpUpd 1868 kb 2005-07-05 18:16:11 13 days
EditVoicepackUpdate2005-06-29_184331.EvpUpd 1867 kb 2005-06-29 18:43:31 19 days

As you know, The voicepack can update itself. So maybe you weren't aware of this update.

And as you can see, at least two updates were done about at the same time than FsP was released.

Please, confirm if your system is using edit voicepack or not.


Re: FS9 Crash's - ha5mvo - 19-07-2005

Thanx for the response Marty,
I have installed the latest 5.7, before that I had 5.6 (or 5.5 not 100% sure).
As I said I did delete the previous drivers using ATIs cat-uninstaller. I don't know about the registry, I'm not an expert enough to mess up with it
manualy - so all registry updates were done by the above utilities.
I do have ATIs control centre, with AAx4 and AFx16 in my AIW-9800pro.

There are two reasons that lead me to point the finger at FsP rather than my own system,
1) other people report the same PATTERN of crash. and this pattern is quite unique, although they surely have different setting than mine
2) the "hijacked" ATC dialogue screen, the disappearing red lables (I refer to framerates lable, the red break and parking break lable etc) point to
an something that interferes with those FS display elements.
FsP has such "something" - its the little blue window. (ctrl shft v)
I still remember quite well the problems I had with that nuisence called "AdvDisplay".

however, if people will post their setup we might see some common denominator which may help with a solution.

thanx ahain


Re: FS9 Crash's - Marty - 19-07-2005

Like I said before, I had the exact same problems that you describe. I fixed it by fully uninstalling the old drivers and installing the ATI 5.7
Drivers. I didn't touch my FS9 installation, or my FSP installation. I've been using FSP for approx 30 hours since and it's been perfect.

Try using these instructions for deleting your ATI drivers


I'll post my setup later when I get home


Re: FS9 Crash's - pagir - 19-07-2005

[quote]Chris B. wrote:
[...]- Enter taxiway, tower hands me off to ground. I acknowledge this and as soon as my pilot readback is done I get a black screen with
FSP mini report still showing, the sound of the air conditioning in the cabin going but that's it! And I can do this again!.

Any help is much appreciated and fly on!!!

Are you using edit voicepack?


Re: FS9 Crash's - Chris B. - 19-07-2005

No I don't use any edit voicepack software as I assume that's for people that want to tweak the files within FS9. But is this a program
(patch) that I should install? The only updates to FS9 is the v9.1 update from Microsoft and then I installed FSP on top of that. The error
still happens half on half off. The computer I have for FS9 and FSP is at home and is a good working machine (3.06Ghz, 1GB RAM) that I
keep up to date and clean from bugs.

Last night I took Crap Cleaner home and ran it. That time it seemed to work fine but I'd like to know what the edit voicepack download
does exactly.

Chris B. Smile
[Image: bradshawairwaysinternationalfs.jpg]

Re: FS9 Crash's - VegasFlyBy - 19-07-2005

I just downloaded the Crap Cleaner utility and ran it. It want's to remove almost 1 gig of info off my drive. I just wanted to make sure
anyone hasn't had any bad experiences with this program deleting files it shouldn't have. Thanks!

Re: FS9 Crash's - DanSteph - 19-07-2005

can you try to fly with the mini display disabled and see if that happen again... ?
as no all people experience this it still might be a driver problem...
(pushed by FsP display perhaps but still's driver's fault)


Re: FS9 Crash's - Chris B. - 19-07-2005

Thanx Dan, I did try looking to the nVidia website and there is a newer driver available. I'll be trying the new one out.... hopefully that nips it
in the butt!

[Image: bradshawairwaysinternationalfs.jpg]

Re: FS9 Crash's - SaVas - 20-07-2005

Quote:VegasFlyBy wrote:
I just downloaded the Crap Cleaner utility and ran it. It want's to remove almost 1 gig of info off my drive. I just wanted to make sure
anyone hasn't had any bad experiences with this program deleting files it shouldn't have. Thanks!

Personally the first time I ran it it removed a lot of "crap" Not quite 1 gig but I run several other programs that help clean up my computer
as well. I have yet had any of them remove something that it wasnt supposed to, however like anything else, caution should not be thrown
to the wind. Read what it wants to remove and judge for yourself if you want it to remove it or not.

Re: FS9 Crash's - simking1 - 20-07-2005

I dont have a graphs problem but seem like at the end of a flight sometimes during the sim acts like its loading textures or processing the final
flight inf and i get the mesage fs9 has encountered a problem bla bla bla NEVER happened before fsp i lost 3 flights because of this i like the
program but im tired of reflying every flight.

Re: FS9 Crash's - guille - 20-07-2005

Quote:Chris B. wrote:
I've got a crashing to black screen problem too but soon after landing at my local airport and it always happens after the tower's hands
me off to ground after a landing at KMLI (Quad City International).

FSP had been working great, and I don't suppose that it's the cause of this problem. I keep after my computer very well and it's got good
speed 3.06Ghz. Here's a brief description of what happens in a repeatable(predictable) pattern.

- I'll fly a short flight from Geneseo (3G8) to Quad City International (KMLI?) about a 12 min. flight. Standard Cessna Skylane in Green and
white paint.
- Flight goes great, passengers are happy.
- Contact tower to make full stop landing. Follow instruction.... things are gong great.... perfect landing!.
- Tower asks me to leave runway when able......normal.
- Enter taxiway, tower hands me off to ground. I acknowledge this and as soon as my pilot readback is done I get a black screen with the
FSP mini report still showing, the sound of the air conditioning in the cabin going but that's it! And I can do this again!.

I tried a complete uninstall of FSP and FS9. A reinstall with just FS9, the v9.1 update, and FSP and this still happens. Any ideas as to
which program could be causing this? Perhaps some of you could recreate this flight and see if it happens to you.

Any help is much appreciated and fly on!!!
[Image: bradshawairwaysinternationalfs.jpg]

I have exactly the same Fs9 crash at the same situation, after landing when in the taxiway and switch frequency to ground, but in several
airports (KFLL, MYBF). No idea of the cause, but it happens since I fly with FsPax on. I'll keep on testing and let you know if I find

[Image: AltairGB.jpg]

Post Edited ( 07-21-05 00:06 )

Re: FS9 Crash's - Chris B. - 21-07-2005

Guille, try looking up your video card online for possible updates. My driver was only about 6 months old but nVidia issued a new
version. That may have cleaned up my problem but I have also added more add-ons (Flight Sim Manager) to FS9 since then. Try to be
certain that your hardware is up to date and clean of bugs/junk.

[Image: bradshawairwaysinternationalfs.jpg]

Re: FS9 Crash's - DanSteph - 21-07-2005

pagir wrote:
Did you update the edit voicepack recently???

Some crashes are related with it. See this thread:

(404: The post of this link doesn't existe anymore)

Those are the dates of the last Edit Voicepack Update from:


EditVoicepackUpdate2005-07-12_163509.EvpUpd 1872 kb 2005-07-12 16:35:09 6 days
EditVoicepackUpdate2005-07-05_181611.EvpUpd 1868 kb 2005-07-05 18:16:11 13 days
EditVoicepackUpdate2005-06-29_184331.EvpUpd 1867 kb 2005-06-29 18:43:31 19 days

As you know, The voicepack can update itself. So maybe you weren't aware of this update.

And as you can see, at least two updates were done about at the same time than FsP was released.

Please, confirm if your system is using edit voicepack or not.


Re: FS9 Crash's - flameout - 22-07-2005

I had the same blackout problem Chris descibed above shortly after landing an exceptional flght with the light cessena 172,loaded with
two pax and bags.

I have AMD Athlon64 2800+ ,

MSI AGP NX6600 VTD256 256M 6600 VIVO for graphics

One gig of ram also so I doubt if its a memory problem, I shut down most other thigs like firewall and antivirus before using fs. I frther
use enditall program to close unecessary processes that may run in the background. It is probably an fs9 thing.

My version is patched and I also installed the updated nocd executive for the patched version. have not installed edit voice pack yet I
still experienced the blackout crash shortly after entering the taxi way.

My remedy which has worked so far was to go back to the default settings of my Nivdia graphics card and let fs application control
performance and quality adjustments.

In fs I have most everything maxed out with addon scenery galore. even at bsy airports I am still getting acceptable smooth framerates.

The program itself is an answer to something I have wanted since I flew my first flight sim 95. Its about the only addon that is worth
every penny of the prchase price and is not a disappintment after 2 weeks like even a new car is. he only drawback is thatI am enjoying it
so much that I am not getting my sumer household maintenance projects done. I've run out of sick excuses to tell the wife why the
windows aren't cleaned this year etc.

Realsm is excellent although a bit unnerving the first time the stewardess opens the cabin door to offer me a drink. In hot July weather
my standard flight suit is a pair of jockey shorts only to fly in. I real life that cabin door is kept locked, I would not want to end up on court
TV for flying around the world in my skivies.

Thanks for a great program and God Bless