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Share your failures! - Printable Version

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Re: Share your failures! - poden - 16-07-2007

Landing at Katmandu, my PC-12 got all shot up, but landed OK. Fuel tanks ruptured, major hull damage. Otherwise I've had a couple engine flameouts,
fuel leaks, and brake failures. Not all that exciting compared to some of the stories here.

Re: Share your failures! - emkay - 16-07-2007

Quote:michael wrote:
Quote:emkay wrote:
1. Flew over a war zone, I practically lost everything but was able to nicely land at KSFO
2. None of my flaps worked, so I had to make an unsually fast approach in an a330 to bristol, landed safely
3. The gear didn't go down in my B747, had to make a belly landing at TNCM, and did it beautifully! saving all the passengers

You MUT+ST be a good pilot to belly land there and survive!

What can I say, I guess I am Smile Thanks.

Re: Share your failures! - c210 - 16-07-2007

Quote:michael wrote:
Quote:emkay wrote:
1. Flew over a war zone, I practically lost everything but was able to nicely land at KSFO
2. None of my flaps worked, so I had to make an unsually fast approach in an a330 to bristol, landed safely
3. The gear didn't go down in my B747, had to make a belly landing at TNCM, and did it beautifully! saving all the passengers

You MUT+ST be a good pilot to belly land there and survive!

Why you say that? It's a wide open runway with an approach over the sea! Only problem might be a go around with the mountain but otherwise no hassles
I can think off! Runway length is not an issue either since you will have the best brakes in the business when you touch down Turning

Re: Share your failures! - Cant think of a username - 16-07-2007

Gear wouldnt retract and I had to turn back.

Re: Share your failures! - Navymmw - 17-07-2007

welcome to the boards cant think of a username.

your username is so clever. lol

Re: Share your failures! - michael - 17-07-2007

Quote:c210 wrote:
Quote:michael wrote:
Quote:emkay wrote:
1. Flew over a war zone, I practically lost everything but was able to nicely land at KSFO
2. None of my flaps worked, so I had to make an unsually fast approach in an a330 to bristol, landed safely
3. The gear didn't go down in my B747, had to make a belly landing at TNCM, and did it beautifully! saving all the passengers

You MUT+ST be a good pilot to belly land there and survive!

Why you say that? It's a wide open runway with an approach over the sea! Only problem might be a go around with the mountain but
otherwise no hassles
I can think off! Runway length is not an issue either since you will have the best brakes in the business when you touch down Turning

its not that longer runway and the plane might skid off into the terminal or trees, can u belly land there?

Re: Share your failures! - Cant think of a username - 18-07-2007

Quote:Navymmw wrote:
welcome to the boards cant think of a username.

your username is so clever. lol


Re: Share your failures! - ehunyadi - 18-07-2007

My one and only failure (so far) has been a failure of the gear to retract upon takeoff.

[Image: 1900c4.jpg]

Since this was a VERY short hop (54NM), I decided to press onward to burn off the excess fuel (we took off at MTOW) and land at our destination. The
funny part was that we made it in on time, albeit with the fanfare of a light and sound show (of fire engines following us) as we landed.

I got the best score of my career because apparently I'd handled it correctly. The funny part was that this was my third flight with FSP. I've got
nearly 50 flights in now and am a C4 and have yet to have anything else happen (but I know it's lurking, so I'm always vigilant).

Re: Share your failures! - Aviapartner - 18-07-2007

My only failure up to now was a birdstrike on the left engine of my 737-400 with SN... Seeing as that was going to be my 1st flight with a
joystck that made it slightly easier i noticed! Rolleyes Since then on, i've never uncoupled my joystick from my computer... EVER! lol

Re: Share your failures! - Cydon Prax - 19-07-2007

In real life I've had a left brake failure...

In FSP... Brake failure, flap failure, gear failure, decompression (Only once), Bird strikes, oil pressure problems, oil leaks, gunfire
damage, heck even lost 3 engines from scraping them on a severe crosswind take-off about 20 minutes through the climb.

Re: Share your failures! - c210 - 19-07-2007

Real life had electrical cockpit fire (that was scary) and lost everything including the radio which meant I had to divert to an unmanned field. Was
not on a flight plan so had no alternative Hunappy Also broke the cable on the left pedal for the brakes in a C172 once so had no brakes on the left side,
this was not a problem since the runway we landed on was 1800m. Door opened (latch failure) in a PA28-235 once just after rotation. Also not a biggie
but scares the living daylights out of you when it happens. Then flying an airrace in a C177RG never had a green light for the gears when landing (was
eventually traced to a faulty switch) so each day we waited until everyone landed and did the manual gear extension procedure and landed with the
trucks waiting for us at the threshold. Mains was not a problem since you can see them come out and they cannot collapse in the C177 but the nose gear
was the unknown Smile

In FSP had a birdstrike in the 744 PDMG, was shot to pieces in the Aeroworx B200 in North Africa, same in the CS C130, had a flap failure (stuck) in
the PDMG 738 on final to FACT (was a genuine failure and not a pilot error one Wink ) and most recently a flameout on number 2 motor in the PDMG 744 at
FL310 enroute to FADN about halfway through the flight, just continued on and landed safely without a hitch. Think the repair bill for this one was
$54mil :D

Re: Share your failures! - michael - 19-07-2007

WOW! wow now thats what im talking about!

Re: Share your failures! - ehunyadi - 19-07-2007

I've had the latch failure/door opening after rotation on three RL flights; twice in a 150, once in a 152. The first time it happened, I was still
with my instructor, and I said, "Hey, the door just opened." The instructor, an 87 year old pilot and veteran pilot in WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam said,
"Is that all?" We laughed and continued up to a safer altitude to close the door. I also had a magneto failure about an hour into a flight... not too
scary, but it was noticeable and we landed as quickly as we could. I also had what was considered a near miss by the FAA twice. Both were with CH-46
helicopters. Since I was flying out of MCAS El Toro (KNZJ), there was lots of military traffic there, and our practice area was shared by the CH-46's
from MCAS Tustin (KNTK). The helicopters are camouflaged very well; well enough that I didn't see one of them until it was too late. We got so close I
could hear his rotors. The second time was on landing; I thought Tower said "Land after the intersection (of runways)" but instead, they said "Land
before the intersection." I kept altitude until after the intersection and put down. What I didn't know (and never saw) was the CH-46 pass about 5-8'
over me. CFR trucks were coming out because they thought for sure we'd have touched or worse. And all this while I was just learning to fly in Class-C

I documented my sole FSP failure to date (so far!!) earlier in this thread. Smile

Re: Share your failures! - c210 - 20-07-2007

I can assure you, door opening in a high wing compared to one in a low wing is a different kettle of fish altogether Smile I've flown circuits in a C172
while still doing my PPL only to realize the passenger door was open all the time :D

Re: Share your failures! - Sakakawea - 22-07-2007

not a failure but a damaged main gear:

Flight D7783 End of flight report Date 21 July 2007

Mode realistic - Flight already registered

Flight ID: D7783
Pilot: Antonia Krauss
Company: Cargo Dreams
Aircraft: Level D Simulations B767-300ER - FedEx
Flight Date: 21 July 2007
Departure: 23h54 (21h55 GMT)
Arrival: 01h16 (23h17 GMT)
From: EDDF - Frankfurt Main - Germany
To: LIRF - Fiumicino - Italy
Nbr of Passengers: 0


Flight Distance: 517 Nm Landing Speed: 142.90 kt
Time Airborne: 01h14:37 Landing Touchdown: -624.61 ft/m
Flight Time (block): 01h34:57 Landing Pitch: 2.62°
Time On Ground: 00h26:31 Landing Weight: 148646 kg
Average Speed: 415.88 kt Total Fuel Used: 12175 lit.
Max. Altitude: FL 340 Fuel Not Used: 32601 lit.
Climb Time: 00h16:04 Climb Fuel Used: 5613 lit.
Cruise Time: 00h36:27 Cruise Fuel Used: 4159 lit.
Average Cruise Speed: 478.08 kt (M0.77) Cruise fuel/hour: 6846 lit. (calc)
Descent Time: 00h22:06 Descent Fuel Used: 2403 lit.

I still wonder why I didn't flare Wonder -.-

Post Edited ( 07-22-07 01:58 )