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[Video]my best landing! - Printable Version

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Re: [Video]my best landing! - pegase - 06-06-2006

Good job, for the video and the touch down Top

Sure, I fully agree with all what is written above about TDZ. However I did also some of these loooong floatings some feets above the rw
ending with a touch down at some... -400 fpm Rolleyes

You ended at -45 fpm so, Applause

Well, in some occasions I landed also at long distance from TDZ but... before it. Let's forget these ones Big Grin

Now, to practice TDZ touch down. nothing is better than a rw of about 5 to 6000 feets long. they provide us a STRONG motivation to place
our wheels on the numbers Wink

BTW: nice 757, which one is it ?

Re: [Video]my best landing! - Captain_Smith - 06-06-2006

Great landing, but you was flying over the RWY to long Smile Oh Well, nice landing
And I couldn't of come anywhere near that lol

P.S It looked like the nose and main gear touched down at the same time, until I seen the smoke from nose gear!

Re: [Video]my best landing! - ivo - 06-06-2006

With a little practice, you should be abe to land on the touchdown zone every time. Plus, don't try to keep holding the nose off the ground. Pitch to
about 4 degrees nose up and maintain that(depends on aircraft). Remember, a landing on the TDZ is better than a soft landing. Floaters can cause a
serious problem becuase you can run our of runway. Floating takes up a lot more runway than when you land. Wink

Re: [Video]my best landing! - the_nick - 06-06-2006

sure you took your time to land , if I would land like you land I end up already in the city Smile, keep aiming for TDZ

Re: [Video]my best landing! - alphaone - 07-06-2006

Here's an example of what would be considered a "good" landing in real life. Granted its a completely different plane type (B200 King Air) but the
concept is the same. Note: this landing was done in adverse condidtions in Albany (KALB). I was flying real world weather with Active Sky 6 and you
can see the effects of the powerful weather system currently stalled over the US Northeast. I was fighting some pretty strong wind gusts and a
shifting crosswind and poor visibility+heavy rain so I'm pretty proud of this landing actually Smile even though it wasn't quite on the centerline (damn
crosswind!). Touchdown was ~150ft/min.

(Again just click "Free" and wait the 20 or so seconds.)

Comments welcome!

Oh and ignore the slight pause just before touchdown. It's a bug in the program I was using to record the video. I just updated it so hopefully that fixes it.

Post Edited ( 06-07-06 21:58 )

Re: [Video]my best landing! - alphaone - 08-06-2006

Bump... Someone watch it! Smile

Re: [Video]my best landing! - m1r3o - 09-06-2006

BTW: nice 757, which one is it ?



Re: [Video]my best landing! - KDAY - 09-06-2006

Hey, if you're the passenger, I'm pretty sure you don't give a hoot about landing in the TDZ on a long runway and would rather get down softly.
Obviously its not proper piloting but its great for the PAX =)

Re: [Video]my best landing! - Meco - 10-06-2006

Wish I could see it, but it wont DL.

I followed your direction on how to get it. IE: click free and wait etc etc.

It's a shame you dont have your own domain where you can host it.

Dern free hosting sites and their hoops to jump through.


Oh well. time to keep reading the other posts Smile

Re: [Video]my best landing! - Jetflyer - 11-06-2006

Quote:KDAY wrote:
Hey, if you're the passenger, I'm pretty sure you don't give a hoot about landing in the TDZ on a long runway and would rather get down softly.
Obviously its not proper piloting but its great for the PAX =)

No. The pax on the Air France A340 that overshot in Toronto were clapping after touchdown way too far down the runway, and then it rolled off the end
and into the ditch. You NEVER do something risky for the sake of trying to make the passengers happy with your landing. Here's a recent topic on the
matter on airliners.net.


The user "SlamClick" is a retired airline pilot BTW

Re: [Video]my best landing! - Igor (EY0106) - 11-06-2006

uhhh wasnt that plane hit by thunder

its just a simulator nothing to get agressive about

Post Edited ( 06-11-06 12:59 )

Re: [Video]my best landing! - Jetflyer - 11-06-2006

Quote:Igor (EY0106) wrote:
uhhh wasnt that plane hit by thunder

its just a simulator nothing to get agressive about

It landed too far down a wet runway. Had it had the extra 4000ft it would have had if it touched down currectly, it wouldn't have overshot the runway.
A real retired captan on http://www.airliners.net has already expressed how landing too late was to blame for that accident. He knows a lot more than you
do. Also I'm hardly being aggressive, just stating facts. And please DO tell me how a plane can be "hit by thunder"? Fool And if you meant
lightning, how would that make a plane overshoot the runway? Rolleyes

Quote:Igor (EY0106) wrote:

A landing that you walk away from in one piece is a good landing.

And every single one of those Air France passengers clearly would agree with you, wouldn't they. Obviously, you must be right, right? Although their plane was only smouldering in a ditch nothing to worry about, of course not, happens every day, yeah?

Post Edited ( 06-11-06 23:27 )