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I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - Printable Version

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Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - SWAFO - 15-08-2005

I'll try it, and see if I can get it to work. I've just been creating a seperate FS9 flightplan for the ATC, then the FSNAV plan for myself to print
out and use during the flight. I'll try it when I get a chance. Thanks!

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - silo - 15-08-2005

No prob...anytime...

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - jboweruk - 15-08-2005

Okay Flyboy, if you can't manage to import you're flightplan into the 747 the other alternative is to program it manually. It's worth learning
how to do anyway as there is a lot of satisfaction in knowing when the plane gets to it's destination correctly you did it that way and got it

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - nem - 15-08-2005

Why exactly would you want to tell FSNav the gate anyway? I always use the takeoff runway as the first waypoint on the map (if I use FSNav for route
planning at all, FSBuild does a better job there) and how I get there from the gate isn't FSNav's problem? Huh

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - jboweruk - 15-08-2005

No but it can cause an issue when FS places the aircraft, you don't want to be started on the runway really do you.

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - nem - 15-08-2005

Just say "no, don't move the plane to the first waypoint" when FS asks you. Rolleyes

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - djsebx - 15-08-2005

Wow !

how to use FSBuild and PMDG 747 ?

Have your flight plan ready, and then go to "Export to..." menu and tick : PMDG 737NG.

Now click the BUILD button. File exported to your PMDG fmc routes folder.
exported by FSBUILD it can look like KSFOKLAX001.rte

Now in your PMDG fmc (whatever 737/747), go to RTE, write at the scratchpad KSFOKLAX001 and send it to COROUTE (via LSK 2L) and
your flightplan is loaded Wink

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - SWAFO - 15-08-2005

Quote:nem wrote:
Why exactly would you want to tell FSNav the gate anyway? I always use the takeoff runway as the first waypoint on the map (if I use
FSNav for route
planning at all, FSBuild does a better job there) and how I get there from the gate isn't FSNav's problem? Huh

Quite simple actually, I want to START at the gate with a flightplan I created in FSNAV, and exported over to FS9. Right now, I'm having to
create a single FSNAV flightplan, and a single FS9 flight plan to start at the gates (only implemented in FS9)... make sense?

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - FlyBoy2 - 15-08-2005

OK I have figured out what I am doing now I need someone to tell me how I can get the speed up on my climb, everytime I start to climb my speed drops
dangerously low and there is nothing I can do about it it usally happens around fl160 HELP

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - nem - 15-08-2005

Quote:SWAFO wrote:
Quite simple actually, I want to START at the gate with a flightplan I created in FSNAV, and exported over to FS9. Right now, I'm having to
create a single FSNAV flightplan, and a single FS9 flight plan to start at the gates (only implemented in FS9)... make sense?
Nope. Smile

Maybe we're just doing things to different.
My mode of operation: I launch FS directly into the default flight I created (standard Cessna in the middle of nowhere in cold&dark state, so every
aircraft I change to will be cold&dark as well) via the SHOW_OPENING_SCREEN=0 parameter in fs9.cfg's [STARTUP] section. I change to the desired
aircraft, set time and date and transfer to the departure airport via World->Airport, right to the gate where I want to start.

Then, if I would use FSNav for route planning, I'd create the route, use the departure RWY as first waypoint, export to FS (select whatever when it
asks me where to start the flightplan upon export), load the flight plan in FS, say "no" when it asks me if I want to have the plane moved, et voila.

So, still, I really don't see the point. Smile

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - SWAFO - 15-08-2005

I just like starting at a gate, that's all! Realism my boy! Realism!

In order to start at a gate, I've got to create a FS9 flight plan. I can't print the FS9 flight plans for whatever reason, so I use FSNav to make
a duplicate flight plan (same as in FS9), then print it so that I can draw pretty pictures on it while I'm flying! Quite simple! lol

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - silo - 15-08-2005

By the way FlyBoy, there is a new patch for the 747 did you install it?

Post Edited ( 08-16-05 00:03 )

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - nem - 16-08-2005

I'd still say that I start at a gate just like you - the rest is just preparation.

Well, whatever. *shrug*

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - SWAFO - 16-08-2005

Yeah, I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye on this issue. I guess I do things in a different way than everyone else... or maybe it's you
that's different lol

Ah, who cares! lol

Re: I need someone that has flown the Queen of the SKy Using FSbuild 2.2 - SWAFO - 17-08-2005

I just tried exporting a flight plan to FS9 using FSNAV. It would've worked fine, and presented me with the "Start location" dialog box.
However, It only had a few basic start locations listed. I have updated AFCAD's at every airport I fly to, and have a listing of the normal
start locations I use. I wasn't able to see any of my add-on start locations. Do you know how to fix this?

Thanks again!