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For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Printable Version

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Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - airindia16 - 20-07-2010

Quote:ste9889 wrote:
Quote:SwiftFoxLit wrote:
Well done,although i do have a little thing to confess:
I actually tried searching for a crack for fspassengers but it was so good i ended up buying it anyway

erm, me 2 Rolleyes but i have to say, worth every penny of the measly £20 it cost Smile

You said that it costed 20 Euros but where did you buy it from may I ask because I'm looking it says almost 37 Euros. I don't oppose
buying it but I feel that $50 for a game, an add-on is a bit much. You can buy fsx for 30!



Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - whiskey-zulu - 20-07-2010

£ = GBP,not Euros. We do not use Euros as main tender in the UK, we still cling on to Pound Sterling. At current exchange rates, £20 is: 23.5Euro;
$30.57US. 37Euro is $48US approx. but remember that the dollar is worth more than the Euro and the Pound at the moment and that is not always
reflected in game prices, especially ones that are available globally.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DanSteph - 09-01-2011

In anyway anyone that is low on money and/or find the price to high can ask any rebate
given it send me a request mail. It's on the purchase price click on "Is money tight for you" icon

Price is not an excuse anymore since month Wink

Best regards


Post Edited ( 01-11-11 03:15 )

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - chumley - 03-08-2011

Money is tight for me.

The FS Passengers doesn't work for me.

Can I have my money back?


Andy b

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - whiskey-zulu - 03-08-2011

Your best bet, Chumley, is to contact Dan directly using the contact button at the bottom of the page and detail to him what is wrong, etc.
However, I cannot say when he'll respond as I honestly don't know where he is at the moment.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - skyhawk15e - 12-08-2012

Stealing? That works both ways! Due to my financial situation, I asked Dan for a rebate. He seemed nice enough to give me one. I have paid the
rebated price. We made an official deal. His email said I would have to wait 48 hours for an unlock code. It has been well past 48 hours now and I
have not received an unlock code. I have asked for a refund and have gotten no response.
So tell me all you Dan lovers...how is he not stealing from me?

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - timtomairways - 12-08-2012

Skyhawk. I just dont know what to tell ya. Dan dosent seem to give a dame anymore. all i can say is keep pestering dan. Tell you what i would do. Id
start talking to someone with a law degree. but thats me.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - racedriver8920 - 05-04-2013

Same issue like skyhawk here.
This guy has my money since 8 days an I have received nothing. No serial, no response on several emails.
In my opinion this is very very fraudulent business here!!!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - whiskey-zulu - 07-05-2013

Quote:racedriver8920 wrote:
Same issue like skyhawk here.
This guy has my money since 8 days an I have received nothing. No serial, no response on several emails.
In my opinion this is very very fraudulent business here!!!

If you still have not got your unlock code, I would suggest seeing if it appears in your Flightsimstore.com account, if you purchased FSP/FSPX from there.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - flyingleaf - 23-06-2013

Purchased my copy from the flight sim store and had no prob's whatsoever. Instant download instant fun and "aggravation" ( in a nice way). Please
give it a chance. I am no computer wiz and yet I had no issues downloading the demo and then registering Fsp after the purchase . I am glad I spent
the money and wish that Dan would not be as disappointed by some of the comments I read here. It must be frustrating to spend so may hrs. on a
program to get some jealous comments and people that would steal this brilliant hard work. I hope you get it all worked out for you but I am very
happy with Fsp.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - flyingleaf - 23-06-2013

Quote:rfbarber wrote:

Those who would steal this, or any other program, will remain unmoved by this thread, I am afraid. So really, this is not for them. It is for

those of us who have benefitted from this thread, by having some of the jaundice removed from our vision. It is always good to be

reminded that our true simming community eschews the qualities so prevalent in almost everything we see, that being the "Me First"

attitude, win at any cost, screw your competitors, etc. We flight simmers, as a rule, aspire to a higher set of standards, and it is far too

easy to permit those who have no such aspirations to pull the rest of us down with them, to one degree or another.

We stand together in the environment we have created, with mutual support, respect, and a willingness to exchange ideas for the

betterment of each other and the hobby. Those who would seek the "freebie" have no place here, and will ultimately reap the rewards of

their endeavors. They deserve only our pity, for being the empty shells that they are, devoid of humantiy, and filled only with self-

absorbtion, greed and avarice. A thief is a thief, regardless of venue or plunder. And what it takes to make one a thief is something that

has no place in our simming community.

So, to all of you hackers, crackers and code sniffers, bugger off!
