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For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Printable Version

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Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - dave1974004 - 21-01-2009

I have bought fsp for fs9 and for fsx and was annoyed when seen FspX on piratebay.net

Although laughed my head of 2 days later when they where all commenting about void in files and it not working.

Good work Dan looks like they got stuck for a change keep one step ahead

Oh and can we have a tyre blow option in more options file in the patch

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - skwaL - 02-04-2009

Once you get a hang of FSP and how fun it is.....you just can not stop using it.....as i buy new planes............................RIGHT away i go on
FSP site and look for new payload models for that plane. Eventually I got tired of not finding good ones.....so i started making my own :D

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Longhaul444 - 12-04-2009

LOL @ dave1974004, I know the feeling. As for pirated software, I admit I downloaded my first FSPX from piratebay, I was curious about
the program. After running it for about 1 month (yeah I know it's a long time, but didn't have any monet at the time), I was hooked. I went
and legally bought the program. And as a current member of piratebay, I refuse to upload this program. As most of the programs on
there are filled with viruses, and it would be of no use to Dan to have his image tarnished by a virus filled program. As for the program, I
can't play FSX without it. It has given new life to a game that was becoming boring. Great job Dan. I look forward to the update that is
coming in the next couple of months.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Antonio - 21-06-2009

ok it is a hard work with many hours, I believe you, but it will be nothing if Microsoft Flight Simulator didn't do the game and an SDK for it. If Dan
will sell this with 1 dollar, to 1 million of people in the world, because for him there is no transport cost, no duplicate cost, he will earn much
more. I'm more interested to use SDK to do something better than to buy with 40$ just some supervising variables!

I have a question, how many hours of work and people are doing Unix and Linux, why it is still free? Anyway good luck in selling, for me the price is
high, because it is not a game, it is just a trace tracking from a huge and wonderful game!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Capt. Wotan - 22-06-2009

Quote:I have a question, how many hours of work and people are doing Unix and Linux, why it is still free? Anyway good luck in selling, for me the
price is
high, because it is not a game, it is just a trace tracking from a huge and wonderful game!

Hmm I don't often comment but this post annoyed me slightly... May i ask what you do for a living? Perhaps you are still at school? If you work, do
you work for free? If you are at school, do your parents work for nothing, do your teachers? I would guess not!
Not all Unix is free, what about Windows that isn't free? Linux is 'free' because 1000's of people work on it, a better example would have been
WinUAE, even then multiple people work on it. Dan is a 'one-man-band' he asks (in my opinion) a fair price that i was willing to pay, much like PMDG
and Level-D they ask prices i am willing to pay, if they increased there prices i simply wouldn't buy! Grrr

Unlesss you provide your labour for free, what makes you think other people should? Ultimately it's Dan's choice and of course your's not too buy if
you feel the price is to high; perhaps you should prove me wrong and invest your time in producing an add-on, or maybe even a game and then give it
away, i look forward to downloading my copy!


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DmytriE - 23-12-2009

Quote:jboweruk wrote:
A lot of payware devs could learn from Dan. His support (especially considering he's a one man outfit) is exemplary.

This is one of the biggest jokes I've seen on the internet. He is a "one man outfit" but but he's in clothing that does not fit properly. He needs
to expand his customer service so that issues can been dealt with in a timely manner. The lack of help is what leads people to want to crack
programs, in addition to not having money to pay for it.

I do have money to pay for it and have rightly done so. However, I'm thinking about looking for serial keys and cracks to get the program that I have
invested a good amount of money into working. This is very frustrating!


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Tracker801 - 23-12-2009

and Im irritated about you....

Big words, little action, cancel your order and go bug AeroSoft or LvlD for the time being

one more word out of you like that and youre banned. Us mods do not mind negative thoughts but as youre a young recruit, never used the FAQ, never searched the forums and the likes..... if you had you would have had your answer several times.
It may be hard for you to grasp, but people do have a life, you do not own them.

Post Edited ( 12-23-09 16:37 )

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DmytriE - 23-12-2009


Sorry about my outburst last night. I'm sure you're not the only one that got annoyed by my tirade of negative comments. I will 1) tone it down and
2) ask for help before out bursting like that.


Please don't take offense to my post. I don't actually look up patches, cracks, hacks, and serials as this leads to viruses and is just not right. I
have similar sentiments with the rest of the forum about it - don't do it. I used the demo for awhile and enjoyed it. I just want to now expand and
start in different parts of the world with all of the same features.

Let me start a new and start posting some positive things. Smile

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Tracker801 - 23-12-2009

Oh, I do not mind any negative things, this is a community after all.

Just give Dan the time to actually do something about it as he promised Wink
I will keep it a heated topic within the admin section.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - gbapache - 24-12-2009

Young fellow, hale and hardy. !@#$%^&^%#$#@!@#$$%%#####@@. Consider yourself grumped at (yes, I know, "at" is a
dangling participle). NOTHING in this world is perfect. Learn to enjoy the little bitts of fluff and fun that life gives us (like FSP) rather than
find faults in the morter. If you are in Europe, go have a nice single malt, in in the south of USA, do a shot of Jack, either way merry
christmas and relax.Smile


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - B.Scott - 03-04-2010

OK just my two bits.In principle I agree with the whole sentiment of paying for what you getBUT one of the main
reasons to do so is to have the support that a product needs. Nothing is perfect and any program will need
touching upas problems arise. Well I am still waiting for the first patch for this program and nothing is on the
horizon as far as I can see. Case inpoint... I and several others have been complaining about the fact that the VFE
in the 747 is set to 210 knts (which is the MINIMUMmaneuvering speed at 1* of flaps not the maximum) and by
almost every start you need to be ultra careful not to rip the flaps off. ... So asimple fix in the code to raise the VFE to
something more realistic but is anything forth coming? No, I don't think so. Perhaps an exaggeration on mypart but
it leaves me with the feeling of "Hey I've done all the work I feel like doing so sod it all, just rake in the money". So
what do I have to do to get this any any number of little things thatwould improve the addon and encourage myself
and others NOT to get a cracked version next time? S.Scott Gould

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Recon - 03-04-2010

Dear B.Scott,

At this moment Dan is working on a patch.
When it is ready we don't know and Dan will let us know in time when he's ready.
For now you have to consider that Dan does all this by him self.
There's not a big company behind with several people working on this and therefor it takes more time.
As for your "problem" with the VFE in 747 which is set to 210 kts.......you can adjust this by yourself.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DanSteph - 05-04-2010

Quote:B.Scott wrote:
So asimple fix in the code to raise the VFE to
something more realistic but is anything forth coming? No, I don't think so. Perhaps an exaggeration on mypart but

Hello Mr Scott,

Patching VFE based on aircraft is not always possible as FsX himself don't enforce VFE in aircraft.cfg
and thus many aircraft don't write this limit. As said recon you can adjust this limit yourself,

As you see It's absolutely impossible to write a 100% perfect program even more when it's based on
million-line-code program as FsX and with install that extent on three OS (XP,Vista,Seven at least)

In anyway no complex soft are 100% perfect or 100% bug free nor it is possible to write such soft because
of the multiple user installation. Only real Aircraft software are *almost* perfect but they require millions dollars
certification and the hardware is not bought at the local store.

So if you use a soft it mean it's reasonnably useable and you should pay for it or stop using it if not.
The "there is a scratch on the paint of this car" is not an excuse to steal it right ? Wink

If you find FsPX to expensive you can still have a very good rebate using the "Fair trade" possibility
at my knowledge there is no other author that allow such things.


Best regards


Post Edited ( 04-06-10 14:24 )

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - B.Scott - 25-04-2010

Dan and Recon,
Thank you for the reply. Nice to hear a voice in the darkness.

I am an admin on a very special FSX server called Hippy Happy Germany. We are as far as I know the ONLY dedicated server that plays
FSX 24-7. We use an automated ATC bot for full global ATC coverage and routinely have 25-50 players from all over the world at any given
moment in the day. Many of the players use FSPassengersX and we as admins take it upon ourselves to encourage players to try the
game and BUY IT. Our members spread the word and help others to enjoy the program. Until recently there haven't been working cracks
available for this add on though I have the impression that has changed. In the beginning some people asked for the activation codes
from those of us who bought the game and rest assured then never got them. Whether of not this would have worked is besides the
point. We prefer people to buy a product and support development.

That said, The 747 is a popular aircraft among many and the cry goes up "my flaps get ripped off at 220 knts, I paid for a program that
doesn't work". Yes, I completely understand the complexities of something like this program as the developer of the program we use and
those of us who test it daily by flying on the server know how many bugs tend to pop up and how fixing one thing often leads to trouble
elsewhere. The difference is we don't pay for the use of our program (though many of us gladly would) so if there is a bug we really can't
complain. When you put a price tag on an object things change. People then feel the need to address their woes and "get what they paid
for" . I don't feel the need for a refund in any amount for FSpassengersX as i really enjoy it. What I want is for the thing to work, not cash.

The flap settings for VLE are dependent on the degrees of extension as related to the speed. What we are finding is at 210 we get flap
penalties and slightly higher speed cause complete destruction of the flaps. These troubles don't arise with the 737, or any of the
smaller planes. Another improvement would be to deal with the fact that below 210 there is no differentiation in flap extension. That will
say that at 209 knots the flaps can be extended to a full 30* even though this should only be done below 180 knots. I did look in the cfg.
files but found only the standard info prehaps we can start a different thread on this subject? I would really like to get this fixed as it ruins
the game for me. Any pointers as to what exacly must be modified would helpfull. But I digress...

All any of us want is for it to work. In general it does with a few little glitches. Fix those and we are happy campers and I for one will do
what I can to discourage those who would steal what others have worked hard to provide.

B.Scott Gould

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - whiskey-zulu - 25-04-2010

See this sticky about flap VREFs: http://www.fspassengers.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=8348