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For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Printable Version

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Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - overkiller - 11-06-2007

Hey guys, just bought FSP thought I'd share my comments. Buy the program if you like it - don't steal it. Why bother? If you don't have the $40
then save up. That's what I had to do. I thought the program was quite expensive but I have since changed my mind. It is absolutely worth the money
I spent. I went with the demo for months until I had the extra $40 (hard to come by!). Please support your local (or not so local, as it is)
software developer.

I believe there is a line between one guy charging $40 or so for an excellent add-on program to a video game, and a huge mega company charging $800
for a software suite that is geared and marketed to other companies. 'Owning' a pirated copy of Photoshop for your own personal use on which you
learn how to make graphics is not legal. However, I don't think Adobe will be knocking on your door... They WANT you to use the software, and to
learn to use it well. They WANT you to become reliant on its features. It's the same policy with Microsoft. They WANT everyone to use their
software - which is why they don't come knocking on your door when you get the corporate version of WindowsXP installed on your personal computer. If
you make graphics for a company, or for your company in which you are using the graphics for sale or advertisements, you should then buy a 'legal'
copy. It's only fair. If you are just installing Adobe on your personal computer for personal enjoyment, I don't think Adobe will be calling your
house. It is not 'legal' but tolerated. If you use their software to make money (via graphics) or to advertise yourself or your company, then yes
you should spend the money and buy a real copy. If you sell your graphics, then the $800 for a legit, upgradeable, supportable version is not a lot
of money.

The same goes for FSP. If you want to just fly out of KSFO, then you can keep the software and not have to pay any money for it. However, if you
want to fly out of KMIA or KMSP or wherever, then you need to buy it. It's only fair.

One thing that should be noted is that all forms of anti-piracy will be circumvented. Unless the software is literally free, there will always be
people who won't buy it and will instead obtain it illicitly. There is no way to have a 100% purchase rate. The more draconian the anti-piracy the
more likely people will pirate it. That doesn't make sense but its true. The data for this is out there - any DRM or anti-piracy setup has some back
door that someone figured out. The harder it is to break, the more people who will try to break it.

Therefore, I believe that software (and music as well) should either have non-obtrusive anti-piracy built-in or be free of anti-piracy altogether.
Most people will actually buy the software instead of trying to obtain it illegally. Those who actually take the time to break the DRM or
anti-piracy, or who search for 'free' serials and what have you, will probably NEVER buy the software. DRM and anti-piracy, in general, 'keep the
honest people honest'. The crooks will never abide by the law!

For me, I don't generally 'steal' music or software. However if you make my software SO difficult to register and license, and make it a pain to
uninstall and reinstall, then I won't even bother with it. I won't steal it either, I just won't use it.

One software package that required an on-line licensing was Out of the Park Baseball. I could 'license' my game over the internet, and 'unlicense' it
any time, whenever I wanted. I could therefore, install it on my laptop and work and home computers, licensing and unlicening whenever I changed
computers. I did this, sometimes two or three times a day. And the developer encouraged this! The way he figured was that I bought my 'right' to
use the software so I should be able to use it whenever I wanted. I could only use it once at a time of course, but then I didn't play the game on
two computers at the same time (the game did not have any multiplayer aspect to it). I think more software packages should be licensed as such, so
that I can 'unlicense' uninstall the program, FDISK and reinstall Windows, and reinstall and relicense the program if necessary, for example.

Ok enough on this, thanks for reading all the way though!

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DellFly3r - 15-06-2007

Well put indeed.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - ragingfred - 15-06-2007

well i think its a good program, especially for being made by 1 man, I want to buy the full version but I don't have money for it so the freeware is
good for me for now.

Keep it up Dan

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Sakakawea - 27-06-2007

Quote:His customer service is unparalleled in the simming community.

OH YES!!! I had a question about an addon-Aircraft. I wrote an email to that "company" after reading through the WHOLE FAQ-section, the support. As I
didn_t find it there because the whole FAQ was senseless, I wrote an e-mail. I was told to read the FAQ. I wrote back, as they surely know, this
problem isn't mentioned in their FAQ. I've never got an answer... It was about one year ago.

When I get a problem or Question with/about FsPassengers, I come here, ask, and get competent help within less then a day. GREAT!!! And it's also a
lot of fun to write in this forum!!

I wrote my annoyance into the forum of that company, 2 days later it was deleted Wink and they sell rudderpedals on their website, the "old" price of i
believe 129$ is canceled with a red cross, and the "new" cheaper price of 129$ stands next to it... yap... 129 Dollars is a lot cheaper than 129
Dollars lol idiots...

Next topic:

After I read this thread, I searched for a pirate version with crack and so on, (luckily) saved my current database and installed the cracked one.
It's version 1.0 so without any updates. And as you all know, it had some sweet bugs, like Crash to desktop when trying to see the
aircraft-statistics... But the registration key was valid and I unlocked it. But after downloading the latest update and trying to unlock it again it
failed Smile lol So don't worry about piracy too much... they won't have fun and maybe, if they like FSP which would just be as normal *g* they would
maybe purchase it hihi

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - geek0091 - 31-07-2007

It is sad to see all those torrents on random sites of his work, its grounds in my mind to be shot...thievery. Rant

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - ameval - 04-10-2007

Quote:geek0091 wrote:
It is sad to see all those torrents on random sites

Yea Sad Dan should demand Rant those web pages or at least try erasing the files... so people wouldn´t find them Bug

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Soji A - 26-11-2007

i gotta confess, i actually did look for a crack when i tried to purchase FSP n i cud't
in the end i did purchase it n im glad i did...

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - SGhering - 06-12-2007

Your not the only one. Although I have purchased it in the past, it doesn't help me now. I used it, along with a few other programs (Flight 1-
Ultimate Traffic) and such while I was in Baghdad. The tower didn't make the trip home due to a mortar nailing the milvan with the stuff to
be shipped home (along with my DVD player and such DAMN).

I posted here today about finding the purchase reciept. After following their advice, I came up with zeros. They either do not have my email
address on file any longer, or I didn't get it from that site. Either way, and a typical old fart american, I got mad and looked for keys online.
About 5 min later I decided that a virus wasn't worth the headache. So I will do without it for now.

However, I do want to voice my opinion. If math serves me right (which is seldome does), the 31 converts to about $46 US. Why so much?
I don't recall paying that much last time. I don't mind the increase however, you have to either have a credit card or bank transfer. Neither
to me are safe. I lost the credit cards in the divorce (cheating wife while in Iraq, and I can prove it LOL). So that leaves me with my
checkbook and cash. Are there other options that I'm missing here? I don't want some veterans deal or such, and I really don't mind
shelling out another $50 for it....................again. But I would like to get it paid for online as snail mail this time of year is hell. And you all
know it.

Off topic, since I'm in the mood. What the hell is up with the $20-$40 per plane payware now? Are they out of their damn mind? FsP and Ultimate Traffic maybe, they make the entire game more fun. But 40 bones for a single plane? Hell someone better come to my house, install it, and do my damn dishes afterwards. Sorry and maybe i'm old fashioned. But I want what I pay for. And that just is not right.

As for the CD key hacks. Don't mess with em. Hell they aren't worth the time.

Post Edited ( 12-06-07 01:03 )

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Buizel_411 - 18-03-2008

Although i do like to torrent things, when something is really good like FsP I buy it! = D Although my simarket experience could have been
forgotten >_>... lol

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Jason - 18-03-2008

I purchased full version a couple years ago (wow maybe longer) and my brother wanted to fly with it also and found a crack. Then he
updated to latest version LOL (which broke his crack) and ended up just getting rid of it all together. I tried to convince him to buy it, in the
end I'm glad he got what he deserved. But he's a nerdy teenager that's good with computers, and I'm nearly 30 with an I.T. background
and knowledge of the costs and time involved with development. I even purchase every operating system and music CD legally (though
noone believes me).

As far as the increase in cost, it is curious as I have seen reports of this being the best add-on for FS9 period, I would imagine that Dan
has made decent money, but at the same time, expenses have risen for us all in the past year or so.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - DanSteph - 18-03-2008

"Descent money" , yes it wasn't bad at all (for my first commercial addon) but one addon is really not enough to live, peoples really
overestimate Fs addon's sale and underestimate taxes and fee (which reach an overall 70%) One addon is a one shot sale not a regular

In brief I was less happy but I had less money problem when I was employee Wink


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Ali310 - 18-03-2008

Quote:DanSteph wrote:

In brief I was less happy but I had less money problem when I was employee Wink

that's often the case, but one day, when you're happy with FsP, you could always work on a brand new product. and because you've
generated this huge userbase, you could reach the same amount of customers and more. but that's something to think about Wink creating
the building blocks for a 'company' or project is always hard, but you've come a long way. congratulations Smile you deserve one hell of a pat
on the back haha.

on another note, I'm afraid I shared a licensed copy with other people ages ago when I joined my first VA - it was how they functioned. then
when I started FS again, I looked for a cracked version, but none seemed to work (fortunately for Dan), so I ended up buying a copy. if it
wasn't that great, I wouldn't have bothered buying Wink but I don't think I could've coped without it. I'm a supporter for life now lol

for those who are looking to get a free/cracked copy, don't bother. it's not worth your time. and the price asked for FsP is modest and is
worth it considering how much fun you'll get out of it.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - masneoquil - 06-05-2008

Quote:SaVas wrote:
What is so bad about spending a few dollars on a program? With today's prices, the cost of FSP gives me 3/4 of a tank of
gas for my car, 2 movie tickets and a small popcorn and maybe a drink, or a decent meal at an average restaurant.

I totally agreed with you Savas, except for this.
Do you know that there are a lot of countries in the world, do you? And maybe for you it’s a decent meal on an average restaurant. But in
my country I can buy food for the whole week.
However I’m not trying to justify myself, no one should have an illegal copy of anything. I'm a programmer myself and I know how much it
cost to build a piece of software.
I’m still trying to save some money to buy this great piece of software.


Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - Jason - 06-05-2008

That's a good point. The price is based on the tax, cost of living, and etc in the country Dan lives. It's hard for some youngsters to wrap
their head around that at first.

Re: For those that want FSP from a cracked or file sharing website... - rojasjorge98 - 17-10-2008

It is better just to buy the program and give the author/programer credit for it, instead of getting it illegally and having to pay fines. This is of
course in MY opinion.
Give the authors the credit.