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Dual Monitor support - Printable Version

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Dual Monitor support - VegasFlyBy - 28-07-2005

Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone can help me out with setting up my second monitor.

Main screen: dell 21" LCD widescreen (max res 1680 x 1050).
second sreen: envision 17" LCD (not sure of max res.)
Video card: ATI Radeon X800 XL 256mb.

I have both hooked up and they seem to work fine in Windows. However, when I run flight sim I cant open a secondary window and move
it over to the secondary screen. Any help would be appeciated.


Re: Dual Monitor support - psolk - 28-07-2005

Are you flying in full screen or windowed mode?

Re: Dual Monitor support - VegasFlyBy - 28-07-2005

Full screen...shall I switch to windowed?

Re: Dual Monitor support - psolk - 28-07-2005

Nope, I fly full screen dual monitor all the time. Try this:
load a flight normally
hit alt-enter to switch to windowed mode
hit shft 5,6,7 etc... to open your pop up windows
If they do not come up undocked already (with a windows bar) right click on the individual pop-up windows and select undock
drag them to your second monitor
hit alt-enter again
You should now have dual monitor full screen with your popups on the second monitor

One thing to mentoin. If I click on the desktop at any time when dragging the pop ups it usually causes FS to lock up so be careful not to click anywhere but on the pop-ups and within FS if that makes sense...

You kight want to go into hardware settings under disply within FS. Go to your monitor resolution and you should now have a drop down bar with two
monitors. make sure the resolution is set correctly in both.

Good luck, let me know if that makes sense,

Post Edited ( 07-29-05 00:41 )

Re: Dual Monitor support - VegasFlyBy - 28-07-2005

I tried in both regular and windowed mode and it still won't let me drag anything over to the other monitor. I have no idea what I'm doing
wrong! Smile

Re: Dual Monitor support - psolk - 29-07-2005

Under display settings within FS under hardware do you see a drop down for both monitors?

I wish it was NVidia then I could walk you through the exact settings step by step. I don't know the ATI driver settings but if you can drag and drop from one monitor to another in Windows it should work in FS...

Post Edited ( 07-29-05 01:05 )

Re: Dual Monitor support - VegasFlyBy - 29-07-2005

Under the display/Display name in FS9 there are two choices....ATI Radeon X800 and ATI Radeon X800 (secondary).

Re: Dual Monitor support - psolk - 29-07-2005

OK, so FS is seeing them, that is a good sign. When you hit alt-enter and then click undock on the window, what happens? Do you get the windows bar
on the pop up? Once you have the windows bar you should be able to drag it to the second monitor. The pop-ups have to be undocked though. The only
thinkg I can think of is that their is something in the ATI settings we are missing. You can drag and drop from one moniotr to the other in windows
right? move an icon from one monitor to the other for example...

Re: Dual Monitor support - VegasFlyBy - 29-07-2005

Okay...it works now. It was that docked option! Never new what that meant before, but I do now! Thanks for the help psolk. You've been
a lot of help with all of my monitor questions. Thanks a lot! Smile


Re: Dual Monitor support - psolk - 29-07-2005

No worries Erik, glad I could help Smile
Remember, windows like FS ATC are undockable and draggable as well. Just about any pop up window can be dragged to the second monitor. I have not
had any luck putiing my FsP window on the second monitor though Hunappy Probably a driver issue but it never shows up on the second monitor. Oh well, not
a big deal Smile

Re: Dual Monitor support - VegasFlyBy - 29-07-2005

Now that that's fixed....I have another problem. I want to have a spot plane view open on my second monitor. However, when I use the
hat-switch on my yoke to look to the left or right (in the cockpit), the spot view ends up moving (even when the cockpit window is the active
window). Is there a way around this?

Disregard....didn't play enough with it first!! I got it. Thanks!

Post Edited ( 07-29-05 01:36 )

Re: Dual Monitor support - psolk - 29-07-2005

Erik, a word of advice. If you are going to use dual monitors, try not to use the second for any sort of 3d view such as spot views. You will
absolutely KILL your FPS. The second monitor should "really" be used for 2d images such as FMC, overheads, ATC, GPS etc... I know I do not even try
2 3d images with my machine but then again you might have the FX-55 San Diego chip or somehitng and a much more powerful machine Hunappy

Self Built
Liquid Cooled
Asus K8vSE- Deluxe
Amd 64 3400
2 gigs Kingston HyperX DDR 400
GE Force 6800GT
Dual Sata Maxtor 120 gig HD's in Raid-0
Dual Samsung 997 DF Monitors
SB Audigy2ZS

Re: Dual Monitor support - VegasFlyBy - 29-07-2005

Yes, I quickly learned running "spot view" in the 2nd monitor is a fram killer! Smile I now use it for radio stack, GPS, etc. Thanks again for all
the help, Paul. I am now happily FS'ing with 2 monitors!

Re: Dual Monitor support - fpborges - 29-07-2005

Quote:psolk wrote:
I have not had any luck putiing my FsP window on the second monitor though Hunappy Probably a driver issue but it never shows up on the
second monitor.

Actually, I didn't even have to go through the undock process to do that. I just dragged it over, and now it shows up where I left it the first
time, it "remembers" the spot! Someone correct me if i'm wrong, but I think FS sees the minireport as a gauge.


Re: Dual Monitor support - psolk - 30-07-2005

What video card and driver are you using? I am using a 6800gt with the 77.62 drivers...