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Flight ReportFlight: CL606Date: 2024-12-23Merlin
Pilot's Name / UserNameMerlin / visitor
Aircraft Name:PMDG 737-800NGX GOL PR-GXZ
Aircraft Type:Multi Engine Jet (MEJ)
Departure:SBNT - Augusto Severo Intl - Brazil
Arrival:SBRF - Guararapes - Gilberto Fre - Brazil
Departure Time:03:30:00 (05:30:00 GMT)
Arrival Time:04:03:00 (06:04:00 GMT)
Cargo:18143 kg
Flight Result:Bad
Flight Data
Take-Off Weight:75919 kgLanding Weight:73528 kg
Take-Off fuel:6917 kgLanding Fuel:4449 kg
Total Block Time:00:41:36Total Block Time (Night):00:41:36
Total Airborne Time:00:32:12Total Time On Ground:00:34:02
Max Altitude:14002ftCruise Speed:359 kt (mach 0.54)
Landing Data
Landing Speed:154 kt
Landing Pitch:1.12°
TouchDown Vertical Speed:-550.77 ft/mn
PAX Feedback
Passengers Opinion:100%
  • Are pleased to have landed right on schedule.
  • Were in a better mood because they had food.
  • Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
  • Didn't like that some passengers started flying around the cabin caused by your negative G flying.
  • Were very anxious because of the problem during flight.
  • Were relieved to land safely after an emergency.
  • Wonder if they landed or if they crashed (hard landing).
Mayday Transmitted:none
Incident Report:
  • The pilot landed roughly causing one tire to explode.
Pilot Assessment
Positive Assessment:
  • You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
  • Precise arrival time at destination.(00h00:24 difference) (+100)
Negative Assessment:
  • Landing so roughly that a tire explode is not a good idea. (-300)
  • Performing dangerous maneuvers in flight while the passengers don't have their seat belts fastened is criminal. (-400)

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