FsPassengers Virtual Airline Demo

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Flight ReportFlight: SBI759Date: 2015-11-21Siberia
Pilot's Name / UserName%%%%%% / visitor
Aircraft Name:Feelthere A320 CFM S7 airlines
Aircraft Type:Multi Engine Jet (MEJ)
Departure Time:07:16:00 (05:16:00 GMT)
Arrival Time:08:27:00 (06:28:00 GMT)
Cargo:0 kg
Flight Result:Horrible
Flight Data
Take-Off Weight:51007 kgLanding Weight:47407 kg
Take-Off fuel:18628 kgLanding Fuel:14816 kg
Total Block Time:01:12:07Total Block Time (Night):00:00:00
Total Airborne Time:00:54:08Total Time On Ground:00:27:18
Max Altitude:20013ftCruise Speed:304 kt (mach 0.48)
Landing Data
Landing Speed:128 kt
Landing Pitch:0.45°
TouchDown Vertical Speed:-219.23 ft/mn
PAX Feedback
Passengers Opinion:91%
  • Were irritated because they were hungry sometime during the flight.
  • Didn't like that you forgot the belt sign during take-off and landing.
Mayday Transmitted:none
Incident Report:-
Pilot Assessment
Positive Assessment:
  • You made a very nice landing. (+50)
Negative Assessment:
  • Using reverse thrust under 60kts is prohibited and dangerous, it can damage engine. (-300)
  • Exceeding maximum speed of this aircraft is very dangerous. (-600)
  • It is considered bad practice to leave the landing lights turned on when the aircraft is on the parking ramp. (-30)
  • It is considered bad practice to leave the strobes turned on when the aircraft is on the parking ramp. (-30)
  • Beacon lights must be activated as soon as any engine is running, you forgot them. (-50)
  • You had the wrong altimeter setting upon departure. This can cause an accident. (-100)
  • You had the wrong altimeter setting on landing, this has been a major cause of controlled flight into terrain in the past. (-250)
  • Altimeter must be set to a standard flight level pressure setting above transition altitude, you forgot it. (-100)
  • Forgetting to set the cabin seatbelt sign to ON during landing or takeoff is a fault. (-150)

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