FsPassengers Virtual Airline Demo

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Flight ReportFlight: MU362Date: 2014-08-03
Pilot's Name / UserName%%%%%% / visitor
Aircraft Name:PSS Boeing 777-200LR Boeing
Aircraft Type:Multi Engine Jet (MEJ)
Departure:ZBAA - Capital - China
Arrival:ZBAA - Capital - China
Departure Time:12:40:00 (05:40:00 GMT)
Arrival Time:14:02:00 (07:02:00 GMT)
Cargo:54376 kg
Flight Result:Horrible
Flight Data
Take-Off Weight:315613 kgLanding Weight:300935 kg
Take-Off fuel:129925 kgLanding Fuel:112474 kg
Total Block Time:01:21:27Total Block Time (Night):00:00:00
Total Airborne Time:01:05:18Total Time On Ground:00:20:47
Max Altitude:30013ftCruise Speed:307 kt (mach 0.49)
Landing Data
Landing Speed:159 kt
Landing Pitch:6.60°
TouchDown Vertical Speed:-436.92 ft/mn
PAX Feedback
Passengers Opinion:0%
  • Are angry because they didn't reach their planned destination.
  • Hated that they did not see the entire movie.
  • Were in a better mood because they had food.
  • Were angry because you made what seemed to be a dangerous take-off.
  • Were angry because you made what seemed to be a dangerous landing.
Mayday Transmitted:none
Incident Report:-
Pilot Assessment
Positive Assessment:-
Negative Assessment:
  • You didn't land at the scheduled airport RKSI and you didn't declare an emergency. (-350)
  • At departure airport you rolled at 186 kt beyond the edge of the runway.The landing gear sustained some damage and our company has received a fine of $2,046. (-930)
  • At arrival airport you rolled at 165 kt beyond the edge of the runway without any emergency. The landing gear sustained some damage and our company has received a fine of $1,815. (-825)
  • All aircraft are prohibited to exceed 250Kts below 10000 ft AMSL; your speed was 68 Kts above this limit Our company received a fine of $753. (-205)

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