FsPassengers Virtual Airline Demo

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Flight ReportFlight: NA531Date: 2014-05-17
Pilot's Name / UserName%%%%%% / visitor
Aircraft Name:Boeing 737-400
Aircraft Type:Multi Engine Jet (MEJ)
Departure:ZSJJ - Jiujiang - China
Departure Time:11:27:00 (04:28:00 GMT)
Arrival Time:11:34:00 (04:35:00 GMT)
Cargo:4536 kg
Flight Result:Crash
Flight Data
Take-Off Weight:62618 kgLanding Weight:62428 kg
Take-Off fuel:16140 kgLanding Fuel:15133 kg
Total Block Time:00:07:06Total Block Time (Night):00:00:00
Total Airborne Time:00:05:31Total Time On Ground:00:01:40
Max Altitude:15708ftCruise Speed:0 kt (mach 0.00)
Landing Data
Landing Speed:229 kt
Landing Pitch:14.86°
TouchDown Vertical Speed:3500.77 ft/mn
PAX Feedback
Passengers Opinion:0%
  • Were pleased by the music on the ground but found it annoying during flight on the general speaker.
  • Didn't like your sharp bank angles. (83%)
  • Were irritated by the excess G-forces. (+2.52 -0.01).
  • Were terrified by the last dive before the crash.
Mayday Transmitted:none
Incident Report:-
  • 107 passengers aboard
  • 107 killed
  • 0 injured
  • Pilot and flight crew were killed
Pilot Assessment
Positive Assessment:-
Negative Assessment:
  • Crash! The aircraft was destroyed in flight at an altitude of 13595ft due to extreme flight conditions. Many lives were lost - your fault. (-850)
  • Executing a very sharp bank angle (83%) is prohibited in commercial aircraft. (-249)
  • Forgetting to set the proper flaps during take-off is an extremely dangerous fault and does not show proper piloting skills. (-300)
  • Exceeding maximum speed of this aircraft is very dangerous. (-600)

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