Download Simconnect

Simconnect 10.0.61242.0 is required for FsPassengers (FsX or Prepar3D version)

1- To download Simconnect click on this link:
2- Once done, double click on the three "SimConnect.msi" you will find in folder to install them.
3- Reinstall FsPassengers. (FsX or Prepar3D version)

What is SimConnect ?

SimConnect is an interface between third party applications and Flight Simulator. This interface allows these add-ons to talk to FSX or Prepar3D, allowing developers to create all sorts of functionality. SimConnect is installed with any version of FSX or Prepar3D (This last one use the microsoft version), but if you are here, obviously the install didn't work or SimConnect was uninstalled.

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