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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  149 - Flight1 Cessna 421C Golden EagleHits: 3358   
FsPassengers 2004 Payload Model for Flight1 Cessna 421C Golden Eagle. The background image is for one of my repaints for the 421C that is available for download from Avsim.

Author: Zdenek Cizek  |  2005-07-30  |  Users Rating: 7.47/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  148 - Antono 124Hits: 2225   
Payload for Russian Antonov An-124 Cargo

Author: Holzmann  |  2005-07-30  |  Users Rating: 7.71/10 (42 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  147 - Cessna 421C Golden EagleHits: 2834   
I know there is one already, but I finished and uploaded this one about the same time that Jaap uploaded his. It's just that something went wrong with my upload and it couldn't be made public. So I took the opportunity of tweaking the model a bit more and uploaded it a second time. Enjoy!

This is a payload model for the Cessna 421c by Flight1 Software.
It is configured for two passenger seat stations:

- 1 economy seat in the Cockpit
- 6 First Class seats in the cabin

Author: nem  |  2005-07-29  |  Users Rating: 6.97/10 (32 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  146 - Beechcraft D18S PassengerHits: 3417   
Payload model for the Beechcraft D18S (Bush Pilots Globe Trotters) from Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and André Folkers.

This model reflects the passenger version und is designed to load up to 6 passengers in three separate rows. It is also possible to load a small part of additional baggage or cargo in the rear.

Author: Michael Meyer  |  2005-07-29  |  Users Rating: 8.29/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  138 - Douglas DC-8-63Hits: 2624   
Payload model for the Douglas DC 8-63, in old SAS configuration with 12F seats and 178Y seats.

Author: Daniel Schilder  |  2005-07-28  |  Users Rating: 5.80/10 (20 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  137 - Citation X payload modelHits: 6823   
Payload model for the Cessna Citation X from Eaglesoft DG

Author: eazy  |  2005-07-27  |  Users Rating: 7.17/10 (41 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  131 - F1 421C Golden EagleHits: 1914   
Payload Model for F1's Cessna 421C Golden Eagle

Author: Jaap van Hees  |  2005-07-26  |  Users Rating: 7.67/10 (3 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  120 - Saab 340Hits: 5888   
Payload model for Saab 340.

Author: Daniel Schilder  |  2005-07-25  |  Users Rating: 5.57/10 (37 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  118 - Aero Commander 500Hits: 4475   
This is a payload model for the AC500 by Milton Shupe et al.
It is configured for three passenger seat stations:

- 1 economy seat in the Cockpit
- 2 VIP seats in the middle
- 3 VIP seats on the rear bench

Also the model is pressurized. Stock AC500s weren't, but they could be upgraded, and I reckon an airline company wouldn't buy a model which can't climb over 10000'.

Author: nem  |  2005-07-25  |  Users Rating: 4.45/10 (29 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  112 - Air One 737-800Hits: 2515   
Air One Boeing 737-883 Payload.

Author: Alessandro Buratti  |  2005-07-24  |  Users Rating: 7.83/10 (29 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  111 - FlightOnePilatusPC-12Hits: 5343   
This is the Payload model for the Flight One Pilatus PC-12 red Executive Swiss model.

Simply Unzip the files to C:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesFlight Simulator 9FsPassengerspayload_model


This is like my second or 3rd Payload Model I have made. If anyone has any suggestions for me my handle on here is JWHAK.


Author: Josh  |  2005-07-24  |  Users Rating: 7.69/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  109 - DC3 A payload modelHits: 3327   
A payload model for the MAAM DC-3 A.

Author: Tim Cook  |  2005-07-24  |  Users Rating: 5.71/10 (21 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  107 - Boeing 7E7 Payload FileHits: 2404   
This was made by using the B7E7 by Robert Versluys.

This was my first payload, sorry for any errors!

Author: David Hays  |  2005-07-24  |  Users Rating: 3.91/10 (22 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  82 - Piaggio AvantiHits: 2443   
My first try at a payload model for the FSD Avanti. Not thoroughly tested, but seems to work pretty well. Any feedback would be welcome.

Author: Erik R  |  2005-07-22  |  Users Rating: 5.03/10 (37 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  81 - D-18Hits: 2066   
Payload Model of Milton Shupe's excellent D-18 Passenger version.

Author: Brantley  |  2005-07-22  |  Users Rating: 7.18/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  70 - Piper Archer Payload FileHits: 3074   
A payload file for the Piper Archer.

Author: David Voogd & Dan Wambolt  |  2005-07-21  |  Users Rating: 6.38/10 (8 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  69 - Cessna 310 Payload FileHits: 3210   
A payload file for the Cessna 310.

Author: David Voogd & Dan Wambolt  |  2005-07-21  |  Users Rating: 8.36/10 (22 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  68 - Bonanza A36 Payload FileHits: 3053   
A payload file and background for the Beech Bonanza A36.

Author: David Voogd & Dan Wambolt  |  2005-07-21  |  Users Rating: 5.19/10 (27 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  67 - C177 Cardinal Payload fileHits: 2115   
A payload file for the C177 Cardinal (update)

Author: David Voogd & Dan Wambolt  |  2005-07-21  |  Users Rating: 6.79/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  65 - Dreamwings Dash8-100 payload modelHits: 3604   
This custom made payload model works great with the Dreamwings Dash8-100. Contains a custom made picture of the 100 in Widerĝe livery

Author: Freddy Wilhelmsen  |  2005-07-21  |  Users Rating: 7.43/10 (7 votes)    Download

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