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Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1637 - Dash-7_FDE_Model By Rafael LedezmaHits: 1676   
Dash-7_FDE_Model By Rafael Ledezma

Author: Rafael Ledezma Andrade  |  2008-09-10  |  Users Rating: 6.14/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1636 - Dash-6_For_GlobeTwotter_Model By RaHits: 1753   
Dash-6_For_GlobeTwotter_Model By Rafael Ledezma

Author: Rafael Ledezma  |  2008-09-10  |  Users Rating: 5.27/10 (11 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1635 - Cessna 210 Centurio Carenado Model Hits: 2151   
Cessna 210 Centurio Carenado Model By Rafael Ledezma

Author: Rafael Ledezma  |  2008-09-10  |  Users Rating: 6.00/10 (12 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1634 - Cessna 206 for Carenado modelHits: 3169   
Cessna 206 for Carenado model

Author: Rafael Ledezma  |  2008-09-10  |  Users Rating: 5.82/10 (11 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1631 - Eaglesoft Citation IIspHits: 1695   
just a payload for the citation II from beto dominguez Mexico.
with picture of the plane

Author: Eaglesoft Citation IIsp  |  2008-09-03  |  Users Rating: 5.00/10 (1 vote)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1629 - Boeing 747 LCF PayloadHits: 2580   
Now we have a payload model for the giant 747 LCF. The payload model have the configuration to carry about 160000lbs. The CG of the aircraft is very good, be careful in the takeoff, maibe yol'll need adjust the trim up, but not much.

This payload will give you a lot of money in long flights.

Suggestion: Try making flights with more than 1000nm.

Enjoy. :)

Author: Artur Maciel  |  2008-08-20  |  Users Rating: 7.56/10 (9 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1610 - Digital Aviation Fokker 100Hits: 3463   
As requested a hasty put together payload for those who fly the DA Fokker 100.
As soon as I have some more time I will look into the finetuning more as well as adding a new background. Same goes for the F70.

Have fun ;)

Author: Tracker  |  2008-06-11  |  Users Rating: 6.57/10 (28 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1607 - AlphaSim V-22 Osprey Hits: 1908   
this is version for Alphasim V-22 Osprey this paylaod can load both Passengers and cargo it nice aircraft ^_^

Author: Sainum Na Lumpang  |  2008-05-27  |  Users Rating: 8.06/10 (36 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1606 - Captain Sim C-130Hits: 4046   
Payoad for Legendary C-130 from CaptainSim and you can use for other model C-130

this payload can load Passenger and cargo

Fly For Fun ^_^

Author: Sainum Na Lumpang  |  2008-05-27  |  Users Rating: 8.53/10 (19 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1605 - SIAI Marchetti SF260Hits: 1690   
Payload per il SIAI Marchetti SF260

Author: scogm  |  2008-05-24  |  Users Rating: 8.00/10 (4 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1603 - Fokker F.27-100Hits: 1758   
Payload Model for the Mike Stone, Fokker F.27-100.
By Daniel Nole.

Author: Daniel Nole  |  2008-05-20  |  Users Rating: 5.36/10 (14 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1602 - Fairchild FH-227DHits: 1461   
Payload Model for the Dee Waldron, Faichild FH-227.
By Daniel Nole.

Author: Daniel Nole  |  2008-05-18  |  Users Rating: 5.92/10 (13 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1600 - 777-300ER Emirates 3/2 ClassHits: 6024   
This is an exact seating plan payload configs for Emirates' Boeing 777-300ER. There are two seating plans included in the zip 2 class (434) and 3 Class (380). Cargo payloads are also accurate for the type of Aircraft. For any question and requests on airplanes please e-mail @ We will look into your requests and complete if possible.

Enjoy and we'll keep it coming!

Author: PM Developers Group  |  2008-05-14  |  Users Rating: 5.93/10 (44 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1596 - Maddog 2006 payload modelHits: 2515   
New payload model based on the work of Pablo Gonzalez Garcia. New image for the Maddog 2006

Author: Neko36  |  2008-04-24  |  Users Rating: 6.82/10 (17 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1593 - Mi-24 payload modelHits: 1741   
...This payload model was created by me according chart, real Mi-24's pilot instruction and opinion of a former Mi-24 pilot.. Please read "readme" (inside).

Author: Alexander Deyneko  |  2008-04-23  |  Users Rating: 6.14/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1587 - A300B4-200Hits: 2985   
Payload-model for the CargoVersion of the A300B4-200

Author: HEV111  |  2008-04-19  |  Users Rating: 6.57/10 (14 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1585 - United Airlines Payload_ModelHits: 2029   
United Airlines payload_model for your company, very nice pic

Author: Peter  |  2008-04-12  |  Users Rating: 5.71/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1583 - United 737 Payload_ModelHits: 2010   
United Airlines NEW Payload_Model

Hope you like it.

Please Read the readme file First.....

Author: Peter  |  2008-04-12  |  Users Rating: 5.20/10 (5 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1551 - Boeing 737-500 Lufthansa payloadHits: 4326   
A great payload model for the Lufthansa 737-500!!!

Author: born2fly  |  2008-03-28  |  Users Rating: 7.46/10 (13 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  1550 - Boeing 737-300 Lufthansa PayloadHits: 3355   
A great Payload model for the Lufthansa 737-300!

Author: born2fly  |  2008-03-27  |  Users Rating: 4.09/10 (11 votes)    Download

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