Download add-ons for FsPassengers

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Logo  Logo  |  2777 - Saudia LogoHits: 1182   
Saudia Logo
Author: Jasim  |  2020-06-03  |  Users Rating: 7.17/10 (6 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2775 - 787-8-9 Payload ModelHits: 1980   
This is a brand new payload model for Boeing 787-8 and Boieng 787-9. I made it myself.

Made especially for QualityWings B787 users, but it works with any other type.


Author: Mattuc  |  2020-05-06  |  Users Rating: 9.40/10 (10 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2771 - VASPEXHits: 1098   
727-200 CS VASPEX

Author: RAFAEL RAMOS  |  2020-04-20  |  Users Rating: 9.25/10 (4 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2770 - 737max8Hits: 1548   

Author: tanat  |  2020-04-19  |  Users Rating: 9.50/10 (6 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2769 - Dornier 328-110 Hits: 1194   
Payload for the Virtualcol Dornier 328-110, should work fine with freeware models

Author: Jeff Lopes  |  2020-04-15  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (5 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2766 - CSA SportCruiser (v2)Hits: 1000   
CSA SportCruiser

Author: Matheus Soares  |  2020-04-01  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (2 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2765 - Diamond DA-40Hits: 1232   
This is a payload model for Diamond DA-40.

Author: Matheus Soares  |  2020-03-30  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (3 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2764 - CSA SportCruiserHits: 1023   
Payload model for CSA SportCruiser. My first payload model.

Author: Matheus Soares  |  2020-03-30  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (2 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2759 - Shorts 360Hits: 1167   
Shorts 360

Author: airscotia  |  2020-03-26  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (1 vote)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2758 - atr 72-500Hits: 1379   
Payload for my ATR 72-500 aircraft

Author: FLANKER  |  2020-03-26  |  Users Rating: 9.71/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2757 - atr 72 212fHits: 1529   
Payload for my ATR 72 f aircraft

Author: FLANKER  |  2020-03-26  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2756 - atr 72-212Hits: 1046   
payload for my ATR 72 212 aircraft

Author: FLANKER  |  2020-03-26  |  Users Rating: 8.86/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2755 - atr 42-500Hits: 1233   
payload for my ATR 42 series

Author: FLANKER  |  2020-03-26  |  Users Rating: 9.67/10 (6 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2754 - PAYLOSD ATR 42-300Hits: 1106   
my payload for my ATR aircraft

Author: FLANKER  |  2020-03-26  |  Users Rating: 9.50/10 (8 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2751 - Aerosoft Airbus A319-112CFM D-AIBAHits: 1073   
Tweaked and fixed payload model for the Aerosoft Airbus A319-112CFM Lufthansa D-AIBA. Centre of gravity tweaked to Aerosoft A319 standard. Seats as in a Lufthansa A319 (32 business class / 90 economy class).
Author: Carda  |  2020-02-02  |  Users Rating: 8.00/10 (3 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2750 - Aerosoft Airbus A319 LufthansaHits: 1111   
Based on realistic Lufthansa seat settings (32Business/90Economy) and tweaked for realistic center of gravity. Enjoy
Author: Carda  |  2020-02-02  |  Users Rating: 9.33/10 (3 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2744 - howard500Hits: 1183   
payload for Howard 500

Author: michael  |  2019-09-01  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (1 vote)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2739 - B737-800Hits: 1457   
Payload Model for the Boeing B737-800 Caribbean Airlines to Ifly livery, used to seat map realistic model.
Author: Jesus Maza  |  2019-05-22  |  Users Rating: 10.00/10 (2 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2736 - Air Maurius A340-300Hits: 1463   

Author: Kolose  |  2019-02-24  |  Users Rating: 9.29/10 (7 votes)    Download

Payload Model  Payload Model  |  2721 - Boeing B737-200Hits: 1449   
This is a payload model for Boeing B737-200 Freighter with a max. cargo of 22T
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Author: Ayman El Khateeb  |  2018-11-05  |  Users Rating: 9.25/10 (4 votes)    Download

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